Aller-5 is developed for children(age 2-12) by Beijing Macro-Union Pharmaceutical Ltd,. Co. It is composed of US imported patent probiotics strains(Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus reuteri, Bifidobacterium lactis, Lactobacillus paracase)and prebiotics(FOS+GOS).
Probiotics were found can improve the digestive absorption, and then more functions were researched, such as enhancing the immunity, antiallergy etc. Now we talk about probiotics as health promotion in a broad sense.
Aller-5 distinguish itself from others because of the United States imported patent strains can resist gastric acid, bile acid and can be stored in normal temperature. A mass of clinical studies support their advantages.
Over nutrition, Pollution, Mental stress, Drug abuse and imperfection of bacterial diversity in growth and development stages affect the intestinal flora. Children is the high risk group of dysbacteriosis.
The variety & quantity of intestinal flora is fragile before age 12. Taking probiotics can help intestinal flora getting perfect and improve the immunity.